Code Wars: Database Decisions for Application Development



Jennifer Reif as Developer Relations Engineer, Neo4j






English 🇺🇸


Beginner-Friendly Spring



  • ✅ Implementation of the same conceptual data representation in various database models, sorcery that programmed code on the fly worked always at the first try.

  • ⛔ Missing introduction of at least basic examples of use-cases for what each data model is suitable or not, more detailed comparison aside from implementation is missing.


In long-term is the right tool for the right job worth for future maintenance/improvement efforts.

In the short-term forces data into an unnatural format, confuses data model, and delegates business questions to complex queries, data storage can impact application development

Spring Data provides annotation-based mapping for POJO domain classes, repository support via interfaces, and DSL queries for each datastore


MariaDB as an example of a relational database model through Spring Data JPA dependency.

  • orders(orderId, orderDate), products(productId, productName) and orderProducts(quantity, unitPrice) tables representing an M:N relationship between orders and products.

  • The concepts are @Entity, @Table, @Id, @Column, @OneToOne/@OneToMany/@ManyToOne/@ManyToMany, @JoinColumn JPA (javax.persistence/jakarta.persistence) and Spring Data annotations and CrudRepository<E, ID> interface with @Query annotation using JQL/HQL as a domain-specific language for querying from the database.

  • Relevant properties are spring.dtasource. and spring.jpa..


MongoDB as an example of a document database model through Spring Data MongoDB dependency

  • order(_id, orderId, orderDate, Product(productId, productName, unitPrice, quantity)) nesting structure.

  • The concepts are @Document, @Id ObjectId objectId, @Field Spring Data MongoDB annotations, and CrudRepository<E, ID> interface with @Query annotation using Json Structured queries (SQL works also) as a domain-specific language for querying from the database.

  • Relevant properties are**.


Neo4j as an example of a graph database model through Spring Data Neo4j dependency

  • order(orderId, orderDate) and product(productId, productName) nodes with the association INCLUDES from left to right between them having unitPrice and quantity attributes.

  • The concepts are @Node, @Id, @Relationship and @TargetNode Spring Data Neo4j annotations and CrudRepository<E, ID> interface with @Query annotation using Cypher as a domain-specific language for querying from the database.

  • Relevant properties are and spring.neo4j..