The Art of Clean Code



Chiamaka Okenwa as Software Engineer, Renmoney






English 🇺🇸





  • ✅ Very beginner-friendly and two fair quotes, though famous clichés.

  • ⛔ Extremely short talk although the topic itself is rich in ideas. Nothing new compared to already well-known and widely presented blog posts.

  • ⛔ What is the real meaning behind the "one reason to change" cliché?

  • ⛔ Introducing `includeSetupAndTeardownPages` way is not a good idea as we might finally end up with `includeSetupAndRegisterAndLoginAndTeardownPagesUnformattedUTF8Encoded` etc.

"Anyone can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand - Martin Fowler"

"It is not enough to write the code well. The code has to be kept clean over time…​ Leave the campground cleaner than you found it - Boy Scout Rule, Robert C. Martin"

Clean code is simple, understandable and maintainable to care about teamwork, reusability and growth, is easy to read, focused, tested, and SOLID.

  • Naming: Use descriptive, clear, and searchable names that can be pronounced well and according to context ~ classes, functions, variables, everything.

  • Functions: They should be small, do one thing with as least as arguments possible, have one reason to change, and follow the single responsibility principle.

  • Comments: Avoid commenting out code chunks and use them only as a clarification of code as code is the best documentation itself.

  • Classes: Class name must be short, show its responsibility, and have only one responsibility and only one reason to change.

  • Tests Should be independent of each other, fast, executed in a short time, and have one assert per test.