Scalable backend
Original name |
Škálovatelný backend |
Author(s) |
Roman Bouchner |
Length |
1:00:39 |
Date |
12-11-2021 |
Language |
Czech 🇨🇿 |
Rating |
⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ |
✅ Proof that microservices should not be always used.
⛔ Some relevant code and Kibana logs (though data would be anonymized) from the project to be shown would be great.
"A universal truth about architecture does not exist and its design must be context-aware."
Though it is a modern concept to have multiple instances, it’s required to know the main goals:
No downtime deployment, resiliency against HW failure, better performance (huge amount of users), and protection on high traffic.
Scaling doesn’t mean increasing the number of nodes but minds the CPU and RAM as databases are resources demanding. Though, scaling assures high availability (HA).
Content worth reading: and
Context: Small development team (also DevOps and testing), fast-paced product, strong focus on data consistency, simple architecture, infrastructure and code, simple error codes, and their handling.
Rules: Backends are stateless and all states are in the database (including the locking), backends don’t call each other (how to handle 504 timeouts?).
Idea: Producer-consumer architecture (the BE manages data from the FE, sends it to a queue and the BE workers process them), the results processed in 3 seconds are returned synchronously, otherwise information about an upcoming notification is offered.
Scalable monolithic architecture deploying the very same configurable JAR (favors easy development) through properties api.enabled=true
and worker.threads=1
and more layers as the properties switch if the JAR will serve as a Worker or the API REST (Main) service.
In case the Main service decides it’s going to take a lot of time, the request is sent into a queue from where Workers take and process them.
The queue is implemented by the PostgreSQL database as it assures the transactional manner, data consistency, and simple backups (Kafka is rather suitable for non-transactional data, for example, email notifications). The database is a single source of truth.
1 record is represented by exactly one row (important).
Data: RequestId (for Kibana), UserRequestContext (user identification, JSON request), WorkerId, RequestParameters, State (
), Result, Error message. -
into the database is easy, butSELECT
cannot get everything as long as synchronization between the workers is required so the record is processed by exactly one worker only:BEGIN SELECT * FROM my_queue WHERE state='waiting' FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1 UPDATE my_queue SET state='processing' WHERE id = ... COMMIT;
The stored JSON request assures that the request can be processed by a Worker regardless of its origin as it follows a defined format.
Polling? Notifications?
The problem was how often to poll the requests from the queue. Once a second or 10 seconds?
The neat solution is to notify other backends without actually calling them → PostgreSQL notifications.
The PostgreSQL notifications are an in-built solution that and transactional and easy to use.
pgsql NOTIFY <channel> <payload> pgsql LISTEN <channel>
This can be implemented into Java by a custom implementation:
pgListenerService.notify("worker", "params"); pgListenerService.addServiceListener("worker", params -> { });
Database scaling for HA
The main goal is high availability (HA), the idea behind says the dumber the database is, the easier it can be scaled.
PostgreSQL is capable of having one primary database for reading and writing and a secondary one for reading only. Internally it uses WAL (Write-Ahead Logging) and physical transaction replication. Theoretically, the data can be available for reading with a tiny delay in terms of milliseconds, but it is useful for analytical and aggregation processing.
Database scaling for multiple users
Another goal is to avoid distributed databases as the development gets complex as well as its testing.
The solution is to add more databases but in the way transactional communication is never required between them. A proper sharding implementation should assure that the relevant data always stay together in a single database (one company’s data are only in a single database). With a new big customer and new cloud (shard), the same architecture and software can be used. It is required to implement a switch (here is possible to use Kafka, and RabbitMQ as long as the consistency is not what matters here, but a quick switching). It is also recommended to use UUID to distinguish company data for easy migration across the shards.