Experience with Spring native

Original name

Zkušenosti se Spring Native


Jiří Pinkas






Czech 🇨🇿



  • ✅ Excellent understanding and experience of the speaker as well as his ability to explain simply and highlight the important aspects of the native approach.

  • ✅ Solutions to common problems.

"Nobody uses Liferay and WAS today."

Spring Boot 3 is in its final design as Spring Native for Spring Boot 2 was rather experimental, vastly different from Spring Boot 3, and the entire implementation for native support and ahead-of-time (AOT) was 3 times reworked. GraalVM Native Support needs to be included in https://start.spring.io.

GraalVM native image

A technology that compiles ahead-of-time Java code into a standalone runnable application called a native image.

Such an application contains application classes, dependency classes, and classes used by Java runtime and native JVM code.

Native images don’t run on JVM (but they come from JVM), but they load important JVM components like memory management, thread scheduling, etc. from a different runtime called Substrate VM.

The result application has a quick start (doesn’t load classpath and classes that happen now on the build time) and consumes less RAM compared to JVM.

Process of building

  1. Java bytecode (application, dependencies, JVM)

  2. Native image build (static analysis finds what is used, initialization, snapshot)

  3. Binary code (code, image heap).

Use cases

  • Microservices - resulting Docker image is smaller, starts up quickly, and has a lower memory footprint

  • Serverless and CLI applications - they start instantly

  • GraalVM community version uses only the old SerialGC that is suitable only for smaller heaps, though the GraalVM enterprise edition can use G1.

Native and dynamic code

What is saved into a native image depends on the result of the static analysis on the native image build time. Such an analysis can’t find out the usages of JNI, reflections, dynamic proxies, or resources from classpath - such classes need to be added manually through configurations. Luckily, Spring can do that.

├─ native-image/
│ ├─ resource-congif.json
│ ├─ serialization-config.json
│ ├─ jni-config.json
│ ├─ proxy-config.json
│ ├─ reflect-config.json

This was a huge problem since Spring Framework is built on top of reflections and dynamic proxies. The creators had to catch up with Micronaut and Quarkus and implement native image support. They originally ignored the benefits of a quick start-up, then they found out that serverless is an interesting use case and finally, they found out they are fucked up. The implementation of AOT was lengthy and reworked 3 times.

GraalVM can’t dynamically create runtime classes out-of-the-box.

Spring Boot 3

It’s required to have GraalVM installed as an SDK to support GraalVM. The execution of mvn clean spring-boot:build-image -Pnative calls spring-boot-maven-plugin:process-aot internally that runs a Spring container and discovers what beans were created on the application load and generates the following:

  • graalvm-reachability-metadata (from various libraries)

    • reflect-config.json

    • resource-config.json

  • spring-aot (from the application)

    • reflect-config.json

    • resource-config.json

Spring luckily doesn’t need to store all beans into such JSON configuration files, but only their definitions. For example, Spring Data JPA beans are normally created on the application startup, but now it’s not possible so that’s why the AOT plugin was created.

The creators of Spring AOT found out that such an approach can be used even for non-Spring applications, so it makes sense as a slight performance and size improvement, although the native would not be used.

Native executable

Native executable is no longer platform-agnostic, which is completely different from what Java was created on top of. Now the solution brings a platform-specific executable, which is ok because we have Docker and CI/CD that were not available years ago. We somehow reinvented the old solution.


The more points, the better:








JVM is a proven solution, native is pretty much new

Build time



What are 5 seconds for JVM becomes tens of minutes for native

Startup time



What are seconds and minutes for JVM is milliseconds for native




JIT in a long run can optimize the runtime, which is not possible for native.

Memory footprint



What is 200 MB RAM for JVM becomes 50 MB RAM for native

  • Build time becomes very long and it is not possible to reduce it significantly.

  • Image size is smaller for native solutions, but custom layered images are useless for native solutions because each image has a custom and optimized JDK for a given application.

  • Memory footprint is also smaller for native solutions.

Observation of a sample stateless application:

  • RAM was reduced from 200 MB to 50 MD, response time got lowered from 60ms to 30ms, and start-up took only 70ms.

  • The build time increased brutally from a few seconds to 3-6 minutes.


How do we register resources, proxy classes, or classes used by reflection?

A solution is to implement RuntimeHintsRegistrar and activate with @ImportRuntimeHints:

public class CustomRuntimeHintsRegistrar implements RuntimeHintsRegistrar {

    public void registerHints(RuntimeHints hints, ClassLoader classLoader) {

        var categories = new MemberCategory[] {
        reflectionHints.registerType(org.thymeleaf.engine.IterationStatusVar.class, categories);
        reflectionHints.registerType(org.thymeleaf.expression.Lists.class, categories);

However, it does not import all the classes as long as some DTO/records used for reflection are ignored.

There is a non-Spring workaround solution using org.reflections:reflections. Create a custom annotation @RegisterForReflection, scan and register these classes:

var rootPackage = Main.class.getPackageName();
var classes = new Reflections(rootPackage).getTypesAnnotatedWith(RegisterForReflection.class)
var categories = new MemberCategory[] { ... };
var reflectionHints = hints.reflection();
classes.forEach(type -> reflectionHints.registerType(type, categories));

Production support

  • [GraalVM Dashboard](https://www.graalvm.org/dashboard/) can introspect the contents of the built application.

  • [Dive](https://github.com/wagoodman/dive) can instrospect layered Docker images.

  • Actuator metrics become limited as they don’t display the used memory amount.

  • Profiling becomes problematic and Java Flight Recorder is limited.

Heap size tuning

Print each GC run details. Currently, there is no other solution.

docker run -m 200m --rm -it -p 8080.8080 <image_name> -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+VerboseGC
